Вадим Радаев

Hello, I'm an IT specialist  with 10+ years skills in different roles

Мой опыт



Управление проектами




10+ years of experience


Ростовский Государственный Экономический Университет

Прикладная информатика в экономике

Колледж при Ростовском Государственном Экономическом Университете

Техник программист


December 2020 - Current
Тинькофф Банк

IT Team Lead, Senior System Analyst

The Tinkoff Bank is among the top leading banks in the country.
I am worked on an Internet acquiring project as Senior System Analyst till May 2022, then moved to the Team Lead position. My team is responsible for ECOM payments in the acquiring department.

My key responsibilities:

- analyzing and evaluating the current systems;
- communicating with the users to understand their additional requirements and needs ;
- regularly testing and troubleshooting ;
- managing the developing of the team (10 people);
- setting the clear teams goals;
- delegating tasks and setting deadlines;
- monitoring the team performance;
- motivating the team members;

My key projects:

- Migration the billing system from database logic to the billing platform;
- Integration of the Union Pay payment system;
- Migration the monolith system to the microservice architecture.

Октябрь 2019 - Декабрь 2020
CT Mobility Solutions

Head of Support, Senior System Analyst

CT Mobility Solutions is the global platform for vehicles sharing.

My key responsibilities:

- managing the support team, control SLA performance;
- communicating with 3-d part integration companies about the technical issues (telecom providers, payments system, equipment manufacturers);
- communicating with internal teams R&D, developers, testing;
- creation SQL scripts for business data analysis.

Июнь 2012 - Декабрь 2019
Spring Global

Ведущий системный аналитик

The Spring Global provides CPG solution for the companies in worldwide. We had a big project for the LOREAL (Russia) company with 1,5K users in 8 time zones.
I worked at the company for 7 years and starting my position from the service desk analyst, tester, system analyst, head of Russian office (starting from 2019).

My key responsibilities:

- communicating and coordinating with the developers and management of the teams, which located in Brazil, Colombia, USA
- creation the SQL scripts, store the procedures for data analysis;
- analyzing of SQL procedures;
- managing the local service desk team;
- communicating with the customer key users;
- managing the new releases of the server and mobile apps.

My key projects:

- Migration a platform from Windows Mobile devices to a new platform with iOS/Android devices;
- Creation BI reports based on MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Июнь 2012 - Декабрь 2012
Top Solutions

Инженер по обеспечению качества

The company provides outsourced testing service for the Raiffeisen Bank in Russia.

My key responsibilities:

- creation the test cases;
- testing SOAP web-services;
- manual testing the mobile banking application on the iOS and Android platforms.

Июль 2011 - Май 2012
Cesar Satellite

Системный аналитик

The Cesar Satellite is telematic services and integrated security system company. The company has 160K clients and protect their vehicles and real estate.

My key responsibilities:

- technical advising to users on calls, by emails on questions of installed equipment
- remote monitoring and analysis equipment errors

Сентябрь 2010 - Июль 2011

Специалист технический поддержки

The company is the global internet service provider with 820K clients in Russia.

My key responsibilities:

- first line of support, technical advising to users on calls or by emails;
- assisting to users with configuration of routers, PPOE, PPTP, VPN connections;
- opening tickets in the backtracking system and escalated to internal teams.

Август 2004 - Июнь 2007

Инженер-установщик систем безопасности

The company provided the security systems installation service.

My key responsibilities:

- installing the security systems;
- maintenance of the security systems.

Управленческие навыки

  • Performance review
  • One-to-one
  • OKR
  • Kanban

Аналитические навыки

  • SOAP
  • Open API
  • Use Cases
  • UML

Навыки программирования

  • SQL
  • C#
  • Python


My Works







Ищу работу

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